Unlock the Power of Data, Energy, and Carbon Management

Bentaus provides advanced, scalable solutions that cater to the specific needs of many industries, from Data Centers to Livestock and Beverage production. Our integrated suite of services—powered by Bentaus SRI, Bentaus MRV, and Bentaus BOX—offers unparalleled efficiency in energy management, carbon reduction, and data analysis. Here’s how we add value across key industries:

Bentaus adds value to many industries

1. Data Centers

Optimizing Energy & Heat Management for High-Performance Data Centers

Data centers face constant pressure to optimize energy use while managing the heat generated by high-performance equipment. Bentaus provides on-prem and heat management solutions, leveraging IoT and Edge AI to monitor, predict, and optimize energy consumption. With Bentaus BOX, our modular, hybrid-cooled data centers ensure that your infrastructure remains efficient and cost-effective.

With our Bentaus BOX modular hybrid-cooled data centers and Bentaus SRI energy optimization platform, we offer cutting-edge compute, heat and energy management solutions. Real-time monitoring ensures that energy is used efficiently and downtime is minimized, allowing data centers to scale without growing operational costs.

Adding Value

  • Reduce Energy Costs: By analyzing trends and optimizing energy consumption, we reduce your energy costs by up to 30%.
  • Proactive Heat Management: Avoid costly downtime by maintaining optimal temperatures with real-time IoT monitoring.
  • Improve Uptime & Performance: With Bentaus BOX, we ensure seamless integration of on-prem solutions with cutting-edge cooling technology to maintain operational efficiency..

Key Features:

  • IoT & Edge AI Monitoring: Constant real-time energy and temperature tracking for proactive management.
  • Hybrid Cooling Systems: Combine air and direct liquid cooling (DLC) to efficiently manage heat and lower operational costs.
  • Energy Arbitrage & Demand Response: Participate in demand response programs, making energy adjustments in real-time to benefit from peak pricing and earn revenue.

2. Livestock

Decarbonizing Livestock Operations and Optimizing Energy Use

The livestock industry faces a dual challenge: managing energy consumption while decarbonizing to meet environmental regulations. With Bentaus MRV, we use IoT-enabled carbon sensors to Measure, Report, and Verify (MRV) your emissions in real time, helping reduce your carbon footprint. We also offer energy management systems that optimize operations, improving efficiency while reducing costs. Bentaus empowers livestock operators to comply with environmental standards while optimizing energy use, leading to lower operational costs and increased sustainability.

Bentaus MRV provides real-time carbon tracking to ensure compliance with environmental standards, turning emissions into a revenue stream. Our energy management solutions ensure that energy use is optimized for greater efficiency, leading to lower operational costs and higher yields.

With Bentaus SRI and MRV livestock operators can produce carbon neutral poultry, pork, and cattle products through the use of our software at your facilities.

Adding Value

  • Monetize Carbon Emissions: Turn carbon reductions into a revenue stream by participating in carbon markets.
  • Streamlined Compliance: Automate your carbon reporting and ensure compliance with sustainability standards.
  • Decarbonization Strategies: Identify opportunities for decarbonization and implement sustainable practices to reduce emissions.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Carbon Monitoring: IoT sensors track and verify emissions for proactive carbon management.
  • Carbon Credits & Reporting: Generate carbon credits and easily submit them to verifiers such as Gold Standard and Verra.
  • Energy Optimization for Efficiency: Our Bentaus SRI platform ensures that your energy consumption is optimized for cost efficiency and performance.

3. beverage

Achieving Carbon-Neutral Production with Energy and Carbon Management

During the fermentation process, significant amounts of carbon are released, making decarbonization essential in the beverage industry. Bentaus MRV connects directly to your fermentation tanks, monitoring carbon output and identifying key areas for improvement. Our energy management systems also ensure that your production lines are running efficiently, reducing energy consumption and improving cost-effectiveness.

Our carbon and energy management platforms help beverage manufacturers achieve carbon neutrality while reducing energy consumption across production processes. By connecting directly to fermentation tanks, Bentaus MRV enables proactive carbon tracking and reporting, while Bentaus SRI optimizes energy use for greater cost-efficiency.

With Bentaus MRV and SRI, beverage producers can achieve carbon-neutral production, reduce energy consumption, and improve overall efficiency.

Adding Value

  • Carbon-Neutral Capabilities: Achieve carbon neutrality by measuring and reducing emissions during the fermentation process.
  • Reduced Energy Costs: Optimize energy use across your production processes, cutting down operational costs.
  • Streamlined Reporting: Automate your carbon reporting and stay compliant with environmental regulations, turning sustainability into a competitive advantage.

Key Features

  • Carbon Sensors for Real-Time Measurement: Monitor and report carbon emissions directly from your fermentation tanks.
  • IoT-Enabled Energy Optimization: Track energy usage in real time to optimize performance and reduce costs across production.
  • LCA & Compliance Integration: Simplify your life cycle assessments (LCA) and ensure that your sustainability efforts meet industry standards and gain recognition in carbon markets.